Thursday, April 26, 2012

Joanna Loses Her Crown

I discovered yesterday that I AM NOT the World's Oldest Goth Girl. Suelynn Gustafson of Denver CO has me beat by a couple of decades! Who knew? I'm not going to change the name though. She's 75 and has a gamey ticker, so sooner or later I'll hold the title. "Suelynn Gustafson was doing goth before it was cool. In fact, Suelynn Gustafson was doing goth about five decades before anyone even thought to call it goth, let alone cool, and furthermore, she doesn't mind telling you that she doesn't think much of the teenyboppers doing it today. "I think they're phony," she says," - Westword, April 4, 2012.

1 comment:

  1. hi joanna wagner im thomas dobias youre the oldest goth very cool
    nows theres hope for me thomas dobias ill be 60 next april 17th 2013
    after the 70s ended in 1979 i started to listen the damed & the cure
    mission uk
