Monday, July 30, 2012

Maeve and Patricia; Of Vampires and Humans

Patricia opened the lid of her coffin.  Maeve was there to greet her.  Maeve gave her a knowing smile, “So you had fun with a human boy last night?  How was it?”
©David Zahir, 
“ It was wonderful!  It was so good to feel a man inside me again.  What is between you and I is special of course...:”
Maeve stopped her, “ My dear Patricia, you need not explain anything to me.  I gather Philippe is a very nice man.”
“Indeed he is.  His story is incredible, and he’s a generous lover, too.”
”You know there is no future in that relationship.  Even if you were alive he could not marry you.  He is trothed to another and has been since he was a child.  Another aristocrat of comparable rank.”
“Of course, Maeve.  I liked him.  He was sweet and kind but I’m not in love with him.”
“That’s good.  I think we should talk about falling in love with the living.  It is wise to avoid doing it.  You will meet some men and women out there who will make your heart dance.  But there are obstacles that we cannot overcome.”
“For example?”
“Life and death.  Philippe is alive.  He can walk the day or night as he chooses.  He can eat the abundance of the land and he can have children.  We are excluded from all of those things.  There are only a few ways such relationships with humans can end and none of them is good.  
You can keep him or her close which means they will know your secrets including where you lie during the day.  This makes you vulnerable.  How many people do you think can remain faithful to someone who lives by drinking the blood of other humans?  A creature that often drains them to their death then disposes of their bodies in the most convenient way possible? A being that  has done so countless times in the past and will continue to so for eternity?  We may look like humans.  We are beautiful, seductive and powerful and can be quite charming but in fact we are monsters!  Finally, if you should you find a human that is worthy of your trust then you shall have the pleasure of watching them whither and die.
Your other choice is to bring him or her over.  Make them one of us.  Do you think they will still love you once they realize the enormity of what has been done to them?  That they are condemned to wander the Earth drinking life from others for eternity? 
 Why did I bring you over?  The reasons are many but  you were at the end of your life as a human.  Your choice was to become a vampire or be truly dead.  It was a choice you made.  I know you miss the comforts of your husband and your child but at least you’re not mouldering in a grave.  You can, if you wish, observe the progress of their lives even though you cannot be a part of it.”

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