Sunday, June 30, 2013

Where have you been Joni, Joni, what have you seen?

I haven't so much been lazy this time, I've been ill.  I was unable to walk without severe pain.  With the severe pain came severe pain killers.  Those gave me a serious case of the stupids and with all that came Depression.  The DSM IV says I have Major Depressive Disorder, sever and recurrent.  It sucks, but if you're into dark things in art, lit and music it can be useful.  I discovered shock of shocks, an American band that I really like!  Maryland Industrial rockers Ego Likeness.  Ego Likeness' two principles are Steven Archer and Donna Lynch

The lyrics are dark, some from Bible and Talmud references.  It is at timls simple and melodic, and others more complex with a driving dance able bet.  I have here a few examples YouTube.

Song for Samael

In Jewish lore, Samael is said to be the angel of death, the chief ruler of the Fifth Heaven and one of the seven regents of the world served by two million angels; he resides in the Heaven. Yalkut I, 110 of the Talmud speaks of Samael as Esau's guardian angel. InSotah10b, Samael is Esau's guardian angel, and in the Sayings of Rabbi Eliezer, he is charged with being the one who tempted Eve, then seduced and impregnated her with Cain. Though some sources identify Gadreel as the angel that seduced Eve, other Hebrew scholars say that it was Samael who tempted Eve in the guise of the Serpent. Samael is also sometimes identified as being the angelic antagonist who wrestled with Jacob, and also the angel who held back the arm of Abraham as he was about to sacrifice his son.

The Devils in the Chemicals

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